Social and Economic Dimensions of Egypt's 2030 Sustainable Development Plan: Workers in Egyptian Universities as a Model

Document Type : scientific research and articles


Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Port Said University, Egypt


The research aimed to identify the role of sustainable development in achieving sustainable social and economic development. The research also aimed to identify the elements of the sustainable development plan, know the social and economic dimension, and reveal the relationship between the sustainable development plan and the economic and social dimensions. In order to achieve these goals, the method was used. Descriptive and analytical questionnaire was applied to a sample of (300) individual faculty members working in Egyptian universities. The Research concluded that state institutions undertake voluntary initiatives to integrate the dimensions of sustainable development at a rate of 71.839, as they work to participate naturally in international initiatives for sustainable development. In order to Research how to integrate the stakes of sustainable development, the state allocates funds within the budget to support local work development programs, build the educational capabilities of the community, and follow a clear policy in the field of improving working conditions, especially social and economic conditions, regardless of those imposed by laws and labor legislation, and work awareness initiatives apart from obligations. To impose laws that contribute to reducing social and economic crises, the state also seeks to implement the dimensions of sustainable development by applying a clear strategy towards human resources, especially training and training, and relying on an effective strategy to motivate workers through incentives and the provision of health and safety systems. There are also unions that represent workers and guarantee Linking effective communication with organizations conduct consultation sessions with workers to discuss workers’ requirements.


Main Subjects

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