Psychological Hardiness among a Sample of Primary School Children

Document Type : scientific research and articles


Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Port Said University


The study aimed to reveal the differences between the average scores of male and female children in the study variable (psychological hardiness). The study sample was divided into the following: (1)The survey sample consisted of 200 boys and girls from the fifth and sixth grades of primary schools in Port Said Governorate in order to verify the authenticity and stability of the tools used in the study, and (2) The basic study sample consisted of 200 boys and girls from the fifth and sixth grades of primary schools in Port Said Governorate, 100 males and 100 females, and their ages ranged from 9:12 years. The sample was chosen in a random way. The researcher used the following tools: the psychological Hardiness scale prepared by Zainab El Qudah (2016). The results showed that : There were statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.01) for males in both the challenge and control dimensions and the overall score on the Psychological hardiness scale. The differences were for females in the post-commitment dimension.


Main Subjects

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